Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Pt. 1
It's 1 in the morning and I can't sleep
because I keep seeing images of you in my dreams
something like a deserted fantasy
since I was pretending you were mine and
you were loving all of me
and since we're already in the land of "make-believe"
I might as well tell you how I think you're perfect
Not like perfection
but in imperfection, your flaws I compliment
its just as the places in me God left fill.
Is this really real?
Maybe I'm hoping on a hope that is not floating in my direction
I mean, what is your predilection?
Why deny this natural attraction?
this magnetism, our divine "tit for tat" rhythm
I don't see an in-between
I only see falling in or running away
I'll wait for your choice when we reconvene.

I gotta get this out of my system
because the thought of you sends my soul through conundrums
I rehearse my disposition in the mirror before I leave
like how I"m gonna respond to you and
the expression on my face when you breathe
In your absence, I get irritated, frustrated, lonely, and confused.
While waiting on your calls that never came
it was my ego that was bruised
Jonesin' on you is supposed to be beautiful, right?
Hmm... I thought so, too.


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