Friday, July 06, 2007

Everyone has different tactics for dealing with stress and adversity. Some talk to everyone who will listen until they receive unnumerable opinions which only result in them doing what they wanted to do in the first place. Others keep things to themselves and function like drones of productivity until resolution comes or they run out of their own strength. Today I ran out of my own strength and when I reached for the strength of my spirit... my cup was empty. I pour out of my cup for everyone. when my mother needs me, I am there. when a student needs me, I am there beyond the call of duty. when my friends need me, I am an ear. One day in particular I called a friend in between my own tears and her crisis became first priority although I was in the midst of my own. Maybe thats what it means to have friends...who knows. What I do know is that in my hour of need the seats in my community theatre are empty. No one is available for my show. I'm not a selfish person by any means, however, it would be nice for someone to be there. I don't know if I'm upset that no one made themselves available to be my ear or that perhaps I've allowed people have crowded my space so much that I forgot to feed my spirit. Being busy and consuming myself with day to day affairs has stolen something far more valuable from me... my spirit. While my spirit isn't dead by any means... its panting like a holocaust survivor on rescuing day. The bad part is... I can't digest any kind of food. I need new food for a new day and time. I need people around that live off of the same supply...those that I can count on to uplift me with a word of encouragement when I need it. All spiritual leeches and misguided souls can exit stage left.

-Theatre mgmt


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