Sunday, September 11, 2005

Relationship Realizations

There are three relationships I would like to look into for this particular contribution:
1. My relationship with my father
2. My relationships with men
3. My relationship with God

1. On DKC
When God created my father, he created one heck of a guy. I love my father for reasons that I find difficulty trying to explain. I see the love he has for me when I share an interest I have with him and he overwhelms me with ideas, research findings, and all kinds of other things on my new goal. I see his love when I he talks my head off about anything because he wants to make sure that I know everything. I feel safe with my father... It shouldn't be this hard to see how someone shows you they love you. Or better yet, it shouldn't be this hard to think of how they show their love to you. I think it would be easier if I thought he understood me...less difficult if he compromised more and didn't try to run my life...even simpler if he didn't make me feel like my career choices weren't good enough. The love you have for someone should be without condition, my love for him is unconditional.

2. On Men
Ever had this experience? You reconnect with someone you haven't spoken to in a while and, after a week of communication, realize why you didn't jump at the opportunity to get at them when you had the chance. This has definitely happened to me. I think I should stop trying to make myself interested in guys I clearly do not like. Experiences like this make me recognize what I do not want:
a. I do not want a socially imbalanced man.
b. I do not want a conversationally challenged man.
c. I do not want an relationally indecisive man (defined as a man who has trouble deciding between myself and the chick he never told me existed)
d. I choose not to date a man whose sexual identity is ambiguous or at some points unclear to me.

3. On God
This is a relationship that needs mending. Right now my relationship with God is similar to a child that got caught misbehaving and tiptoes around his father so his father doesn't remember his behavior and get mad all over again. In my attempts to pray lately, I haven't been able to find words to say. I think of God all the time...especially since I hung up on my father last night. It would probably be a good idea to spend some time in the days to come and listen to the still voice. I have been trying to fill my days with noise and people so I wouldn't have to acknowledge the spiritual void that is present.

In all three cases, issues must be addressed in order for the relationship to be rekindled. It's important to assess what your needs are and what you will/will not accept in order to move on. Acknowledging where you are in the relationship aides the growth of it.


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