Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The creepy science teacher

Okay...take your mind back to when you were in your High School physics and/or chemistry class. If you were a student at Morgan Park HS, you would immediately think of Mr. Coleman and Mr. F. Lee Slick. These were two of the creepiest men ever. Mr. Coleman had the scariest eye brows I had ever seen. They were gray and crawled above the frames of his bifocal glasses. These brows extended from this face to his hair line and when he laughed they made him look like Dr. EVIL because they became V-Shaped. The crevice of the "v" rested at his nose. ahhh....bad memories. F. Lee Slick on the other hand, was not as creepy but definitely weird. He seemed like the quiet guy that eats humans and stores them in his deep freezer. The point I am getting at is...there is a teacher at my school who looks like "Bill Nye the science guy" gone wrong. He scares me. Thank goodness I am not a student anymore. I think its kinda worse because the creepy science teacher and I are colleagues now. lol


At 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that science teacher goes on his faculty facebook page and reads that. LMBAO

At 9:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a fellow Empehi graduate, I have to agree with you...but I would have used some stronger words to describe Mr. Slick.


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