Friday, August 24, 2007

take off your cool

inspired by the love affair of percible and sallie b. shelley, I realize that there is nothing greater than a phone call from the one person you've been thinking about all day. Perhaps the only thing better is stepping out of your comfort zone in the desperation of your spirit and being reassured by a stranger who was obedient enough to speak God's words to you. I took off my cool today and have been undressing it for the past two weeks. In the midst of exam anxiety, I decided to study in a law school library as a prophetic step towards the place I desire. Motivation was definitely in the atmosphere but my own exam performance was troubling me. It troubled me to the extent that I couldn't concentrate; in the middle of a reading comprehension passage discussing the abuse of monopoly power and antitrust laws, all I could think about was going to walmart to buy ketchup for the turkey burgers in my fridge. At this point it was clear that I spazzed out. I found the only other black girl on the campus and asked for ....(don't panic)...HELP!!! It was almost as if God spoke to me through her. The bottom line is: I need to study as hard as I can and take the score i get. This doesn't mean my expectations are low ... it means that where I'm supposed to go to law school is where i'll be. No score will keep that from me. So in the words of Fabolous "BREATHE...."


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