Sunday, August 26, 2007


Women have conversations. Conversations that evolve into mini-therapeutic sessions on the following topics: men, relationships, love, spirituality, careers, fashion, beauty, politics, and generally making our way through this thing called life. As I participate in these chaise-less tell-alls, I realized that our conversations are beautiful and keep getting better as we age. In fact, I think this "woman-ism" idea may turn into a series. Two thoughts for the day:

1. Women seek wise council from other women: Everything we need rests in the wisdom of our sisters; sisters by natural selection or divine appointment. Someone has always gone through what you are going through with your man and has learned that whatever IT is it really isn't as big of a deal as you are making it out to be. Another is so spiritually strong that it inspires you to keep your faith in check. There is always one to reaffirm you when you're not feeling your best and you don't feel like you can trust what your eyes see. As we age the advice and counsel is well-reasoned and the insights are seasoned with lessons learned not bitterness.

2. If a man makes a woman comfortable enough to "let her hair down", she'll probably do anything he asks her to: For the right man, I woman will do anything. This could be explored in greater detail by Iceberg Slim, however, in his absence I will try my best. Women can't be persuaded. Either she wants to do it (whatever "it" is) or she doesn't. I once heard a fellow say, "Either its 'no' or a variation of yes". Think about it. Most of the time we want to do a lot, but because of our upbringing, we know that "no" is the answer of respect. But let a chick meet the right man. The key is comfortability. If you make a woman feel like she's on top of the world and not just any world, but YOUR world, she will do a lot more than you think. She'll go that extra mile if you ask the right way. (wait, am I violating a woman law right now?)


ps ... yeah, I still love him. I want to send him a message in a bottle.


At 11:25 PM, Blogger Liz Dwyer said...

Yeah, on number two, don't let the cat out the bag! Then again, a whole lot of guys are not smart enough to figure out how to truly make a woman comfortable.


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