Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Finish Line

Today I walked 3.5 miles in the Susan Komen Breast Cancer Walk/Run. Walking/Running for a good cause isn't such a big deal, however, while walking I realized something about myself-I don't finish what I start. Sure, undergrad counts but school was an expectation. I remember a youth camp activity from childhood where we told to climb a short steep hill. On my way up the hill, I paused at points just as everyone else did. I got to a place where I could see the hilltop but I gave up about 7/8 of the way. After it was all over, my youth pastor told us that the climbing exercise was a way for us to see how we think about our obstacles and goals. I remembered this situation today because somewhere around Mile 3 we walked by the car and I thought of the car as a "way out". I could also see the finish line and I was so distracted by the car that I almost forgot the significance of reaching the finish line. I realized that I start a lot of things and have great expectations but I finish few in the manner I set out to initially. The environment was very encouraging and supportive. Usually, the support and encourage lose their value after I hear it over and over again. Needless to say, I completed the walk and felt much better for pushing myself further. Its not how long it takes you run the race its that you finish strong.


At 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats up with the blog enigma, your fans have been waiting more than a month now.... something interesting must be going on...

At 10:39 AM, Blogger enigma said...

something interesting is going on...I just haven't had time:)

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok really ...can we talk about it?


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