Sunday, August 26, 2007


Women have conversations. Conversations that evolve into mini-therapeutic sessions on the following topics: men, relationships, love, spirituality, careers, fashion, beauty, politics, and generally making our way through this thing called life. As I participate in these chaise-less tell-alls, I realized that our conversations are beautiful and keep getting better as we age. In fact, I think this "woman-ism" idea may turn into a series. Two thoughts for the day:

1. Women seek wise council from other women: Everything we need rests in the wisdom of our sisters; sisters by natural selection or divine appointment. Someone has always gone through what you are going through with your man and has learned that whatever IT is it really isn't as big of a deal as you are making it out to be. Another is so spiritually strong that it inspires you to keep your faith in check. There is always one to reaffirm you when you're not feeling your best and you don't feel like you can trust what your eyes see. As we age the advice and counsel is well-reasoned and the insights are seasoned with lessons learned not bitterness.

2. If a man makes a woman comfortable enough to "let her hair down", she'll probably do anything he asks her to: For the right man, I woman will do anything. This could be explored in greater detail by Iceberg Slim, however, in his absence I will try my best. Women can't be persuaded. Either she wants to do it (whatever "it" is) or she doesn't. I once heard a fellow say, "Either its 'no' or a variation of yes". Think about it. Most of the time we want to do a lot, but because of our upbringing, we know that "no" is the answer of respect. But let a chick meet the right man. The key is comfortability. If you make a woman feel like she's on top of the world and not just any world, but YOUR world, she will do a lot more than you think. She'll go that extra mile if you ask the right way. (wait, am I violating a woman law right now?)


ps ... yeah, I still love him. I want to send him a message in a bottle.

Friday, August 24, 2007

take off your cool

inspired by the love affair of percible and sallie b. shelley, I realize that there is nothing greater than a phone call from the one person you've been thinking about all day. Perhaps the only thing better is stepping out of your comfort zone in the desperation of your spirit and being reassured by a stranger who was obedient enough to speak God's words to you. I took off my cool today and have been undressing it for the past two weeks. In the midst of exam anxiety, I decided to study in a law school library as a prophetic step towards the place I desire. Motivation was definitely in the atmosphere but my own exam performance was troubling me. It troubled me to the extent that I couldn't concentrate; in the middle of a reading comprehension passage discussing the abuse of monopoly power and antitrust laws, all I could think about was going to walmart to buy ketchup for the turkey burgers in my fridge. At this point it was clear that I spazzed out. I found the only other black girl on the campus and asked for ....(don't panic)...HELP!!! It was almost as if God spoke to me through her. The bottom line is: I need to study as hard as I can and take the score i get. This doesn't mean my expectations are low ... it means that where I'm supposed to go to law school is where i'll be. No score will keep that from me. So in the words of Fabolous "BREATHE...."

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Crowded Mental Space

I think my lsat prep teacher is ignorant to the social commentary that non-white ethnic groups find offensive. I'm filling in the blank for her in efforts to avoid calling her racist. I didn't go to lsat class tonight, not because of her, but because I needed to make another quality decision. I've trapped myself in my home for the day in efforts to study in a quiet space. Everything in the distraction of nothing has distracted me, for example, my bed, cooking lunch, and the internet. Optimism describes my sentiments about the LSAT, but my optimism is challenged by time restrictions and increasing the number of problems I answer correctly. My mind is troubled by a few things:

1. Where the hell is my mail? I moved in almost three weeks ago and have received about three letters. I'll assume I only have three bills.

2. Can I register for the LSAT before seats run out in LA?
3. I need to set up my apartment ASAP (complete with a desk, bookcase, television, etc). For some reason my current half boxed/half unpacked set-up is handicapping my mental clarity.
4. my master's degree was cancelled. I discovered this a few days ago when I requested a transcript. One forgetful teacher ruins the bunch... all it takes is for her to change an incomplete from a YEAR AGO into a grade...simple.
5. Who will I ask for recommendation letters? I don't think Spelman College fostered the kind of environment where those out of the Atlanta metro area can refer back to a treasured professor who'd remember enough outstanding qualities about them to write a heartfelt letter of "I want you to succeed". Hmmm...
6. My car needs work (or replacement). I don't smoke/exhaust is supposed to come from the vents when the AC is on.
7. I'm keeping a daily food journal.
8. I need that new Kanye and the Keyshia Cole song on my iPod pronto..."nah, nah, nah, nah...wait 'til I get my $$$ right"
9. My LSAT goal is 170. I keep getting logical reasoning problems wrong and that bothers me.
10. When I get my raise...I need to increase my credit score.
11. I need to plan my 25th Birthday party.
12. I need to write a personal statement.

How do you stay focused on the task at hand when your mind is foggy?

Friday, August 10, 2007

One is the Magic Number...well, maybe 29 is

As my students pretend to search the internet for monologues to recite for a class presentation, my boredom has lured me to the blog. So, as I bite my homie's blog style, I'll begin with the following:

Song Lyric of the Day: "Pelican brief these N***as on who I be/before the fame and the money, n***as knew Rasheed/... Sometimes we find peace in beats and breaks/Bump the cadillac music for the People's sake/the people"

Quote of the day: "It burns going in and it stings coming don't want it girl, you don't want it!" - A friend on how to respond to other women who ask about the quality of your man's sex. lmao

Remember when...the bulls won the championship three years in a row then took a break for a year and came back to win three years in a row? Remember how crazy Chicago was then?

My life these days is filled with LSATing and setting up the new apt. I am feeling better about this whole LSAT studying thing and my test-taking confidence has increased. At this phase in the game, I see two potential concerns: timing and remembering all the strategies for everything. Reading through the jargon has become easier. My new apartment is nice and I'm very excited about decorating it; however, I wish I could be done with all the "set-up" stuff now. Its nothing like coming home from work knowing you are still living out of boxes. Good home decor takes time and I need the patience to make it happen. Should I play B. Smith or should I just focus on the LSAT? I'll choose the latter. I guess no one will be visiting for jerk chicken and white sangria for a while. Two more of my friends are moving on the next chapters in their lives and separation is bittersweet. The thing that blows about saying "see you later" to those who have won a space in your heart (in the sense that they feel like family) is that you don't really know if life always has a "see you later". Personally, I think I'm ready to move on from a transitioned love, 25 is around the corner and I am not ready, and its time to reposition myself to become a property owner.