Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Home for the Holidays

Every year, I feel this overwhelming need to see my family for the holiday season. I trick myself into believing that "this trip home" will be different from the last. I say things like, "I will go and visit _______ this year" or "I have to spend time with Uncle Buster since he's getting up there". My mind is filled with these grandiose ideas of relaxing with my mom over a cup of coffee, sleeping late, shopping, and family time. In my anticipation, I paint Chicago to be this oasis of winter wonderland complete with bright lights and smiling faces. That is until I arrive to find dirty ass slush on the ground and the smiling faces are buried under the massive Al-Qaida like scarves protecting faces from the soul-cracking wind. I've also become disgusted with this notion of Santa Claus. Jesus was not born on December 25th and if by some miracle he were, I seriously think he'd be bothered that we celebrate his birth with material possessions to show our love for one another. Its an age-old recognition that few take the time to reform.

Example #1:

Me (to the little bro): "So, were you excited about your GameStop gift card?"
Little Brother (the gamer): "well, yeah, but ... I asked for two gift cards. What happened to the toy store gift card?"

Example #2:

Little cousin (first grade): "I can spell my whole name."
me: "Really? Spell it for me."
(she proceeds to spell out her first, middle, and last name)
Little cousin: "Did you buy me a present?"
Me (in an awkward do you explain temporary poverty to a child?): "No sweetie. I'm sorry."
Little Cousin (runs away quickly)

Maybe she should've asked me about the present before she wasted her time spelling her name... who knows. Anyhow, I'm usually not one for resolutions but I have one this year. Well, perhaps, more than one. to be continued...

PS... "What do the lonely do at Christmas?" is an awful song. Its like an invitation to suicide. I think it shouldn't be allowed on the radio between september 1st and january 2nd. Just a thought.


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