Sunday, October 23, 2005

505 and Homecoming 2005

I never thought I'd say it but ....I MISS THE DIRTY!!!!! I should have written this blog earlier because my ideas were far funnier and fresh on my brain. Although my elderly mind is beginning to forget things...I managed to salvage some key ideas on which to elaborate:

a. 505
l am so glad I had the opportunity to spend time w/505. There's something unique about laughing until you sob (laughing until you cry means you aren't laughing hard enough), making fun of each other, and shedding tears when its time to go back to real life that brings people together.

b. The more things change...the more they stay the same.
A trip to homecoming wouldn't have been a trip at all if certain friends didn't show their true colors. It is to be expected that Mayra* would pull some shady shit this past weekend. Stuff like ignoring you when you say you're hungry to go and eat sushi with another group of friends and only kicking with you at the party you're attending because her jumpoff was headed to the party you went to. No one cares about your shoes costing $1500!! But i digress....

c. Old men
So, I defintely was hemmed up in a corner by an old jamaican man in the club. He kept asking me if I was married as his eyes cascaded down my frame...I felt like a whore just sitting there. I kept looking for cherise or jason to save me, but just like the loved ones they are...they left me there with "chester the woman molester".

d. Pleasant surprises
Two guys that I, at some point, felt strong about were present this past weekend. Needless to say, I am glad time heals old wounds. They were both looking good (one more so than the other) and I'm pleased that I had the opportunity to see them this weekend. What would have been even better is if I got to ....... one of them. (fill in the blank however you please...if you're my girl you picked the right thought).

e. Unbe-weaveable
Men are so hair obsessed its ridiculous. I got more compliments with my "long as s*#! to my thong and s*!#" hair than I ever got with my own. I have the best hairstylist in the world!!!!

I will leave you with a few fun lines from this weekend...

"I see you lookin...wit yo lookin ass"

"Bitch, don't get all A-Flat with me"

"Jason, what are you an effing chimney" (after he smoked 1,000 cigarettes)

til next time...


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