Thursday, April 20, 2006

Conversation Starters

Men have an interesting method of communication. While waiting with my cousin and a family friend, both males, one of them decided silence wasn't enough and opened the conversation with:

"You know, I don't think the Clippers are gonna make it this year."

(I'm thinking...are you kidding me? No one asked what you thought about the clippers.)

Then the other replied with, "Well with ___________(you name the athlete) on the team...they didn't have a chance in hell."
A white and a mexican guy began a conversation in the school cafeteria with,

"What comes after 75?" -White guy
"76"-Mexican guy
"Now, that's the spirit."-white guy

From this point forward they covered sports teams, careers, family members, and cars. I was the only person who thought this entire exchange came from left field. I guess its the same with women. All it takes for women to begin a conversation is to see another woman with an admirable pair of shoes or hair so fly that you will just die if you don't try her stylist. From there we dive into neighborhoods, who knows who, did you date him?, I can't believe Mariah wore that to I think Mary J had a personal breakthrough to match that album.

In LA, people are not as social. In the club the other night, I was being a wallflower and waiting for my "jam" to hit the speakers. What song? My two favorites right now are: "lean wit it" and "miss new booty". That's neither here nor there. So, I'm standing against the wall not realizing that my arms are crossed on my chest and to onlookers I am "mean mugging". A gentleman that some other woman would've found attractive stood in front of me and emulated my gesture. I politely winked and smirked at him in an effort to say, "You are amusing and I'm not as mean as I look but you're not my type." My male friends present immediately attacked me and said I was "mean as hell". AAAAAHHHHHHHH....That's debatable. I am not mean. If I would've done more, the guy would've gotten the wrong impression. How do you let someone know you're not interested without being mean? How do you let someone you actually like know you think they're hot? How does the conversation start?


At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Always...I love your thoughts-lol. Girl, nevermind how to start the conversation with someone I think is fly...I still have to get up the nerve to speak (if it's a stranger). But if I know the person, it's all smiles, intense eye contact, MOJO, and giggles for good measure.

At 8:19 PM, Blogger Prince Aruntumis said...

So, you are mean. That look was mean, and you didn't even try. Your look not only said, "I'm not interested" it also said, "I don't even know why you are breathing right now." Sure you don't mean to be, but a wise old man once told me that perception in reality...


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