Tuesday, May 30, 2006

(insert title here)

Writer's block...

disclaimer: I finally figured out the reason why I have avoided my own blog. My writings weren't a true reflection of what I have been feeling and thinking for the last couple of months. I began this blog to free myself and I haven't allowed myself to be free because I have become aware of my audience...with that awareness comes censorship. I'm breaking the chains today.

My life for the past few days has sucked ass. In fact, its been like a bad ass movie. How would it feel if you got your ass beat by someone you trusted and never got an apology? To add salt the wound...they never admit they beat your ass. Its complete fiction...the shit never happened (so they say). Oddly enough, you remember healing from the pain and becoming comfortable with the possibility that your questions will never be answered. After you've been sucked back into old negative emotions and a pool of lies from the Father of Lies' competitor (aka the "devil"), you realize that all life interventions have to cease.
No more aiding in closure...call it what you will. Fuck closure...it doesn't exist. I'm so naive sometimes...so genuine sometimes its sickening. What was the objective? Why did she need to know? What would it have proved or improved? It turned into a stupid ass shouting spell that profited nothing. Where it left the pain inflictor? I'm not sure. Where it left the inquirer? even more confused than at the onset. Quietly, I hurt for her. Only her spirit can discern truth at this point. Where did it leave me? It left me open with my character in question...it left me looking like a psychopathic liar bitch purposed at ruining others. I'm not that chick. My life right now is going really good...too good to try to live in the past and ruin someone else. The truth be told...I loved him too much to want to cause harm. It was love for him that kept me quiet and concealing my pain. It was love for him that blinded me too. It was love for him that ACTED like nothing ever happened in order to save face in front of mutual friends. I'm done...no one ever went that far to protect me or my integrity.

Right Now: I'm over it. I'm all about improving my physical, mental, and spiritual. I'm too pretty to be unhealthy in any way. I'm all about sitting on the beach and thinking my way through waves, daydreaming about how to be better tomorrow than I was today, seeing in the horizon the me I've always wanted to be, missing my family and shedding a tear sometimes, and thinking of ways to get closer to them without losing my dream.


At 12:34 PM, Blogger ? said...

you go girl..lol

At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow your a great woman ;-)


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